A Journey of Innovation & Leadership

Education Foundation

Educational journey commenced at a British School in Colombo, advancing through the International General Certificate of Secondary Education to the International Baccalaureate. Subsequently, completed an LLB (Hons) and a Master’s in Public Administration with a focus on South-South Cooperation and Development, crafting a comprehensive global perspective.

Professional Pathway

The professional path encompasses leading a major Sri Lankan conglomerate, introducing ZapMail, and driving digitalization in various sectors, including government. This journey also includes global representation of Sri Lanka and a previous role as Private Secretary to Sri Lankan Ministers, highlighting a commitment to public service and national progress.


Magna Fortuna Holdings stands as a testament to forward-thinking enterprise, with ventures in IT, exports, and real estate. Leading innovations include Zapmail, a pioneering collaborative email service, and Binary Technologies International, a vanguard in software solutions. The portfolio is diverse, reflecting a dedication to propelling Sri Lanka’s industry and commerce.

Who am I?

Can you tell us about your entrepreneurial journey and the inspiration behind Zapmail?

Certainly. My entrepreneurial journey has been a blend of exploration and innovation. Recognizing the evolving landscape of communication, I aimed to bridge gaps and connect people globally. The inspiration behind Zapmail stemmed from this vision, leading to the development of a transformative product.

You come from a political family background. How has that influenced your career path and ambitions as a corporate leader?

Coming from a political family background has undeniably had a significant impact on my career path and ambitions. Witnessing firsthand the power of effective governance and the ability to bring about positive change on a larger scale has been a driving force behind my passion for economic development and public administration. It has taught me the importance of addressing societal challenges through innovative business solutions and strategic partnerships. While I have chosen the path of corporate leadership, I strive to apply the principles of good governance and public service in all my endeavors, with a strong commitment to making a meaningful impact.

Tell us about Magna Fortuna Holdings and its diverse portfolio of companies. What motivated you to establish this conglomerate, and what is the overarching vision behind it?

Magna Fortuna Holdings is a result of my unwavering belief in the potential of Sri Lanka and my passion for fostering economic growth. The conglomerate consists of various companies that span industries such as information technology, communications, yachting, commodities, real estate and healthcare. The motivation behind establishing this conglomerate was to create a platform that could drive innovation, provide comprehensive advisory services, and contribute to positioning Sri Lanka as a regional hub for trade and investment.

The overarching vision of Magna Fortuna Holdings is to be a catalyst for positive change and economic development in Sri Lanka. We are committed to upholding principles of good governance, professional management, and strategic partnerships. Through our diversified portfolio, we aim to deliver cutting-edge solutions, promote sustainable practices, and empower local businesses and communities. Our ultimate goal is to create a brighter future for Sri Lanka and leave a lasting impact on its economic landscape.

How do you believe Magna Fortuna Holdings and its subsidiaries contribute to the growth and development of Sri Lanka? In what ways do you see them benefiting the country and its economy?

Our businesses contribute to Sri Lanka’s economic growth and development in various ways. We promote trade and investment, provide innovative technology solutions, offer healthcare services to international patients, support renewable energy initiatives, contribute to the real estate sector, and create employment opportunities. Our yachting services and other companies breathe life into the waterfront and bring employment opportunities to Sri Lankans. We aim to position Sri Lanka as a regional hub for trade and investment, driving sustainable economic growth and benefiting the country as a whole.

Given your political background, do you have any ambitions to enter the political arena yourself? If so, how do you envision balancing your corporate leadership responsibilities with your political aspirations?

While I come from a political background, my focus and ambitions lie in my corporate endeavors at present. I firmly believe that the country needs change, but I believe this is not the right time for me to enter politics directly. Instead, I have formed Magna Fortuna Holdings, which allows me to take action and work towards implementing solutions that contribute to the betterment of the country. It is an ongoing process, and I am dedicated to making a positive impact through my corporate leadership.

The economic landscape of Sri Lanka in 2024 seems challenging. Could you share your perspective on this?

The economic landscape of Sri Lanka in 2024 is indeed challenging. The country is recovering from a severe economic crisis that occurred in 2022, which led to a significant drop in the average income of Sri Lankans from $3,997 in 2021 to $3,474 in 2022.

There are also concerns about the accuracy of the country’s broader external debt problem. If not handled carefully, repaying the entire debt could threaten the current stability in the exchange rate and balance of payments.

Despite these challenges, Sri Lanka aims to make its people develop by 2048, marking 100 years of independence from United Kingdom. This goal is ambitious considering the current economic growth. In 2022, the economy shrank by 7.8%, and in 2023, it’s expected to shrink by about 4%. Experts predict slow growth of around 2% per year from 2024 to 2026. To develop by 2048, Sri Lanka needs to boost its economy back to the GDP it was in 2021, which was $85 billion. It’s a tough task, but with the right strategies and policies, it can be achieved.

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